Have you noticed how unique and beautiful ones’ hands are? Have you been working on your drawing technique but been intimidated by the thought of drawing a hand? In this “live” online class, we will be examining and breaking down the complex forms of our hands and I will be guiding you through some steps and techniques for doing more realistic drawings based on your observations. All you need is some paper, a pencil, an eraser, and access to your own hands, or have a partner on “hand” to model for you☺. We will do a series of drawing exercises, beginning with “sketching” techniques and lead into some tips for refining your drawing, by focusing on contours, and finally adding some realistic “shading.” This class is open to a variety of age levels and is geared toward beginners. There will be opportunities for you to submit questions throughout, and a chance to show off your work at the end (if you choose)!
Learn to lend yourself a hand!
Supplies: Pencil(s), eraser, paper
Optional (but recommended) Supplies: repositionable light source (i.e. can light, flashlight, table lamp), Qtips or blending stomp/ tortillion, viewfinder (or piece of 8” x 10” or 9” x 12” piece of clear Mylar) & washable or dry erase marker