In this “live” online class, you will be guided through some basic techniques for doing observational drawing based on your own 3D objects. All you need is some paper, a pencil, an eraser, and access to items around your house. We will do a series of drawing exercises, beginning with “sketching” techniques and lead into some tips for refining your drawings, by focusing on contours. This class is open to a variety of age levels and is geared toward beginners. There will be opportunities for you to submit questions throughout, and a chance to show off your work at the end (if you choose)!
Suggested Items:
1. A table or ledge in front of you-to be able to set objects upon
2. A pencil-try to find a regular pencil or a drawing pencil-not a mechanical, only bc it indents the paper with lines and the lead breaks often, and lastly, bc we will be holding our pencils in a non-traditional way, which will be challenging with a mechanical pencil.
3. Multiple pieces of paper
4. An eraser (optional)
5. A pencil sharpener (optional)
6. A drinking glass/cup/mug
7. Piece of fruit or vegetable. If you have neither of those, try to find a simple object, like a
8. A squirt bottle, soap dispenser, hand sanitizer
9. A tool-this can be from your garage or kitchen, etc.-a simple machine-pliers, scissors, wrench, etc.
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