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The Big Four Arts Festival is normally a ticketed event featuring 200+ juried artists, international cuisine, children’s activities, and entertainment but will be going virtual for 2020. Due to covid we are not able to hold an in person event under the beautiful BIG FOUR™ Bridge this year but we have created a free virtual festival for you to enjoy from anywhere in the world on our website. We are also proud to announce there are no admission fees or booth fees to attend the event or participate as an artist or vendor this year thanks to our generous sponsors Design Web Louisville and B4B productions. We are also very excited to share that this year we will be featuring a “meet the artist” option allowing you to connect on-site to chat online with your favorite festival artists, and make purchases directly with them during the event online just like you would at the in-person festival. You will also have the opportunity to listen to our musicians as well as get to taste the festival with featured delivery of some of our festival favorites!

September 3

4 Bridges Virtual Art Festival

September 22

Magical Monoprints (Intro to Gel Plate Printing)